Friday, October 18, 2019

Definition of ecotourism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Definition of ecotourism - Essay Example Throughout history people has always been travelling for one reason or another. As persons began to travel for leisure the development of tourism became an important aspect especially for countries and regions that were scarce of other types of natural resources. Ecotourism which started as a type of niche market now has a strong foothold in the tourist industry in many countries across the globe. With tourism now a major industry in many countries of the world, especially in developing countries, ecotourism has taken a major step in the way many of these locations present themselves and advertise to travelers. For the whole society to benefit it is important for the developers and leaders to adhere to a number of principles. According to TIES these principles should be: Creating opportunities for the growth of ecotourism should not be a political aim if serious concerns are not given to the preservation and conservation of the natural environment. Since the last century successive governmental and non-governmental organizations as well as several pressure groups have been agitating for policy changes which would impact the environment with relation to global warming among other concerns. Lindberg (in Fennel, 2003: 35) categorized eco-tourists into four basic groups. The first group includes hard-core nature tourists. This group mostly comprises scientists, researchers whose travel is mainly for educational purposes and carrying out some environmental activities like removing garbage and litter from beaches. The second group is described as the dedicated nature tourists. Their specific reason for traveling is to visit protected areas and understand local natural and cultural history. Then, there is the mainstream nature tourists. These persons will sometimes take unusual trips to places like the Amazon rainforest, games reserves and parks in Africa among other destinations. The

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