Thursday, March 12, 2020

Assessment Methods Essays

Assessment Methods Essays Assessment Methods Essay Assessment Methods Essay The different assessment methods that are available are diagnostic, formative, summative, ipsative and norm-referenced. Assessment is a way to be able to discover how much learning has taken place in each session which i can then identify how much knowledge and skills have been gained by the students. It is essential to begin a course with an assessment of studentsâ„ ¢ prior learning in order for the teacher to pitch their teaching at the correct level and to ensure inclusion of all students learning needs. Before each student is accepted on to a course an initial assessment is taken place. This is called a diagnostic assessment. This is carried out to ensure that they are applying for the right course and level of qualification. This kind of assessment is based on maths and literacy which uses ICT to evaluate the learners before they enrol. In my practical lessons I always start with an assignment brief indicating and illustrating the tasks required for the workshop. Then the students will identify the risks in carrying out the work and the correct PPE to be worn to reduce the risks. My learners then identify the tools and materials required and list these in a requisition sheet. We will then go through this process as a whole group, with me asking questions to the whole group and individuals, this assessing allows me to see what learning has happened. Then I will demonstrate the tasks whilst questioning my learners to evaluate their knowledge on the tools and how to use them safely. I carry out a visual observation on each student as they attempt to do the task demonstrated -giving advice on how to improve and progress. Their work is then assessed, according to the set tolerances, by themselves initially and then me . Sometimes, depending on the task, if I notice, when observing a student, that they have made a slight mistake, then I will let it pass and see if they notice and can identify where they went wrong and if they can correct it. This is also a good opportunity to hold one-to-one or small group questioning. When assessing in my theory lessons I use a range of different methods. These can include questionnaire sheets, pop quizzes, class assignments work sheets as a group or as individual, multiple choice questions, videoed interviews, case studies and portfolios, depending on the subject. Personally I enjoy the classroom assignments as these are usually looking at a specific task which can carried out over a couple of sessions. I am able to give attention to all in the group and give sometimes examples of how tasks are relevant to the industry. Record keeping is an important key role of a teacher and the main aspect is to assist planning and set future learning goals to the learner. There are a number of ways of recording this information, depending on the course. These include tracker sheets from the awarding institutions, awarding bodies assignment feedback sheet, your own trackers/ feedback sheets, students discussion notes, employerâ„ ¢s feedback sheet, individual learning plans and copies of the learnerâ„ ¢s work. I complete a feedback sheet designed by my department for each assignment so that I can prove that the learner has carried out this task and been assessed. For my practical assignments I use a tick box against tolerances with comment boxes by each tolerance as well and at the end. Each assessment is also recorded on a tracking sheet so that progress can be easily checked for the individual or the group as a whole. My learners also produce a portfolio of evidence, which includes all the assessed work and photo evidence of any practical work carried out. These records show to the learners and awarding bodies how they are progressing and that we care and log their progress. They are also proof in case the learner loses their work, need to be kept to meet awarding bodies requirements, show that work has been internally and externally verified, meet inspection requirements and meet department and college requirements. All these records are important in proving the learnerâ„ ¢s achievements and have to be kept for a number of years.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Free Essays on Test Tube Chriogenetics

In your opinion should test tube genetics be allowed? Human life should be created from a test tube. In today’s modern world, people are already having children fertilized in test tubes, mostly because of reproductive problems in parents. I believe if you have enough money you can be allowed to make child in a test tube, but this will only apply to married couples who cannot by any other means have children. Another application of a test tube baby would be to harvest organs and limbs from them to save other human beings whom, once again have enough money to buy one. Or have such an important position in our country that they will be allowed to have a harvested organ or limb for a discounted price. A third use for test tube babies would be for testing, such as various medication treatments or new procedures in medicine. For example we could infect several babies with A.I.D.S. then test certain drugs on them to see if they help stop or slow down A.I.D.S. The medications derived from these tests would only be sold to rich or important people, such as the above. Arguments against test tube babies are that they are unmoral. Does the baby feel the heartbeat of its mother? Does the child hear a mother’s singing? If it were in a test tube, then I would think not. Lots of people say that growing a baby this way should be illegal and that the only way that a child should be created is the way god intended us to. Another argument against test tube babies is why make them at all? Our earth has already started to become over-populated, why make these children? This is why I say only people with enough money should be allowed to have the procedure, or they have no other means of receiving a newborn. Adopting is a great alternative for people who can’t bear a child, and still want to have the joys of raising one. I hope my answer to the question of this essay is clearly understood, I do support this science, but only as a last altern... Free Essays on Test Tube Chriogenetics Free Essays on Test Tube Chriogenetics In your opinion should test tube genetics be allowed? Human life should be created from a test tube. In today’s modern world, people are already having children fertilized in test tubes, mostly because of reproductive problems in parents. I believe if you have enough money you can be allowed to make child in a test tube, but this will only apply to married couples who cannot by any other means have children. Another application of a test tube baby would be to harvest organs and limbs from them to save other human beings whom, once again have enough money to buy one. Or have such an important position in our country that they will be allowed to have a harvested organ or limb for a discounted price. A third use for test tube babies would be for testing, such as various medication treatments or new procedures in medicine. For example we could infect several babies with A.I.D.S. then test certain drugs on them to see if they help stop or slow down A.I.D.S. The medications derived from these tests would only be sold to rich or important people, such as the above. Arguments against test tube babies are that they are unmoral. Does the baby feel the heartbeat of its mother? Does the child hear a mother’s singing? If it were in a test tube, then I would think not. Lots of people say that growing a baby this way should be illegal and that the only way that a child should be created is the way god intended us to. Another argument against test tube babies is why make them at all? Our earth has already started to become over-populated, why make these children? This is why I say only people with enough money should be allowed to have the procedure, or they have no other means of receiving a newborn. Adopting is a great alternative for people who can’t bear a child, and still want to have the joys of raising one. I hope my answer to the question of this essay is clearly understood, I do support this science, but only as a last altern...